INSTRUCTOR: Barbara Cotto Jimenez
SCHEDULE: Tuesday, 10:00AM - 12:30PM
Course Description
This course focuses on the practices and processes that innovators use to ideate, test, and implement innovation effectively. Over the semester we will examine six aspects of social innovation: exploring, defining, ideating, implementing, testing, and renewing innovation. We will do this by using a variety of methodologies including design thinking, systems thinking and lean methodologies. This project-based course is designed to provide a deep understanding of social innovation by guiding students in testing their ideas and the process required to turn their ideas into reality. This course will provide students with a safe space to develop their entrepreneurial skills and to learn how to apply design thinking and systems thinking to social innovation. Students will also be taught how to use tools and frameworks in order to measure the impact of their social venture models. During the semester, students¿ work will center around, and culminate in, a group project where teams will develop a new social venture concept to submit and compete in a local or national competition (ie. MIT SOLVE).