INSTRUCTOR: Amilcar Castellano-Sanchez
SCHEDULE: Tuesday, 1:00PM-3:30PM
Course Description
This is the 2nd half of a yearlong course but this one can be taken without the 1st half.
This course continues to explore the unbreakable -- yet not well-valued and sparsely characterized -- connection between the worlds of text (narrative, poetry, short stories, memoirs, interviews, imagery and film adaptations) to the worlds of medical ailments and medical practice focused to the pediatric experiences. The course will encourage the creative writing and close reading and interpretation of different literary media coupled with a mirror representation of adult disease (s) being discussed throughout the semester. The ultimate goal of the course is to explore fully the connection between health, art, literature and wellbeing using the power of texts of all kinds. Using various techniques applied to Narrative Medicine, Museum Based Education and literary analysis we aim to comprehend and solidify this inextricable bend between the humanities and medicine as a whole. Therefore, sessions will include active participation between students and faculty, Socratic seminar lead-discussions, 5 min prompted, or essay styled written reflections, and review of peer review articles on the subject matter.
Additionally, this course qualifies as a Global Learning Course (GL) that is discipline specific. During both semesters’ sessions will include faculty and invited speaker lectures, workshops, video and movie screenings, required readings (articles / book / novel (s) for both in class and out of class activities, homework assignments, creative / reflective writing, close reading, engaged listening, visual thinking strategies and other museum-based techniques applied to the study of this material.