INSTRUCTOR: Anthony Rionda
Course Description
The organization of this course leverages a unique interdisciplinary approach to politics, government, civic engagement, policy analysis, and advocacy. The first part of the course will review how the federal system was developed, evolved and continues to change. Then we will put policy analysis, review and advocacy into practice using simulations and real-world assignments (each student will place themselves in the role of congressional aide, candidate and senator). The course may provide opportunities for field trips, or experiential opportunities (online or in-person) to observe how governments and political campaigns operate. This interdisciplinary course focuses on politics, government, communication, data analysis (specifically voter targeting, social media, and polling), and advocacy (how both individuals and businesses lobby for their interests).
Course Goals:
- To assist students in understanding the political system, including how both campaigns and governing work.
- To improve student knowledge and awareness of local, state and national politics.
- To help students acquire knowledge that will advance their understanding of the practical, and theoretical foundations of politics and governance.
- For students to understand, identify, and apply key skills required in the political process.