Honors College Capital Campaign 2017

lopezjcFeature, Spotlight

The Honors College is a vibrant, expanding, enthusiastic and engaged community of young scholars from every field, mentored to be tomorrow’s leaders. A dynamic laboratory of cutting-edge teaching and learning, the College provides a transformative undergraduate education.

Our 25-year journey has brought us to a pivotal moment as we prepare to move Honors housing and student support into an integrated, cutting-edge new living-learning community.

Our Campaign Objectives:

  • Consolidating the living-learning community and student support services in an integrated space
  • Helping students afford to live on campus in this new facility
  • Building our array of unique, innovative programs

Your gift to the Honors College will make a lasting difference in the lives of our students.  You may be interested in a naming opportunity to commemorate your gift or the collective gift of your family.

Here are some of the newly named programs and spaces set to come into place with the new Honors College:

The Tina Vidal Study Abroad Program

Donor(s): Tina Vidal

The Heidi Marcelo-Calero Seminar Room

Donor(s): Heidi Marcelo-Calero

The Metcalfe Family Study Room

Donor(s): Rachelle Metcalfe

The Stephen M. Fain and Judith M. Fain Conference Room

Donor(s): Stephen and Judith Fain

The Carlos Duart & Tina Vidal Undergraduate Research Center

Donor(s): Carlos Duart and Tina Vidal

For more information on Naming Opportunities, please click here.

Thank you for your generosity! We appreciate every contribution from all donors.

Your gift will help provide housing and vital services and programs to tomorrow’s young leaders. It offers them a prize like no other- a top-of-the-line eduction. When you give to one of the nation’s premier honors colleges, you announce your commitment to the highest standards of teaching, learning, research, and service.

For more information and to make a donation to our campaign, visit our Giving page.