

INSTRUCTOR: Randy Pestana


SCHEDULE: Wednesday, 5:00pm – 7:40pm

Course Description

This course is designed to introduce students to cybersecurity through policy and art. Over the course of two semesters, students will examine the current cybersecurity environment, understand the principles of cybersecurity, develop strategic planning capabilities, identify cybersecurity laws and regulatory requirements, and anticipate the future of cybersecurity threats, all in the context of US national security. Students will understand the interconnectedness between policy and technology, and how the public sector works with the private sector to combat cybersecurity threats.

Students will be assigned both fictional and non-fictional texts as a means to understand the cybersecurity themes discussed above. Students will also view films that present on critical aspects of cybersecurity including hacking, insider threats, and cyber-terrorists, amongst others. Together, students will place themselves in the role of policymaker and develop a strategy to counter current and emerging cybersecurity threats.