Ukraine 101Malgorzata DuryginMon. and Wed., 12:30P– 1:45P
Thou Shalt Not Steal: Wage Theft & Moral PhilosophyJeanette SmithThurs. 11:00A - 12:15P (Hybrid)
Radical Female VoicesNiurca MarquezWed., 2:00PM-3:15PM (Hybrid)
Sustainable Development: Using A Harvard Business Simulation ApproachHortensia SampedroWed., 2:00P-3:15P (Online Live)
Beyond Entertainment: The Influential Power of Music in SocietyErnesto FernandezOnline
Corporate Diplomacy: The Role of Business in Promoting Peace and Sustainable DevelopmentDavid WernickEvery Other Wed., 11:00A-1:30P (Hybrid)
Black Nightmares: Deconstructing Symbolism and Race in Horror StoriesTrina SandersOnline
Human Identity and Resilience: Third Space/Third WorldNiurca MarquezWed., 3:30P-4:45 PM (Hybrid)
Third World Film: AfricaElizabeth HanlyOnline
What's Going on: America Turns InwardElizabeth HanlyOnline
You Crit Like a Girl: The Unique Role of Women in Gaming, Entertainment, and MediaConnie ViamonteTues., 12:00P- 1:30P (HYBRID)
DeathJoaquin PedrosoTues., Thurs., 11:00A-12:!5P
The Power of Black Music in America: Its History, Language, and Culture from the Past Until TodayTrina SandersOnline
Graphic VoicesGretchen ScharnaglTues., Thurs., 1:00PM - 2:15 PM