Honors Education in the Arts (HEARTS) gives Honors College students opportunities to explore and appreciate different artistic and cultural traditions and modes of artistic expression, recognize the interplay of culture and artistic expression, and celebrate diversity.
HEARTS provides FREE or discounted tickets for concerts, plays, movies, art exhibitions, and more, on and off campus.
HEARTS responds directly to the FIU strategic plan, recognizing that:
“The Arts are essential to Florida International University’s life of the mind. They inform the way we think, create, discern, solve problems, and adapt to a rapidly changing world. The creative and academic activities of FIU’s faculty, curatorial staff, and students in our colleges, schools, and museums support our quest for excellence and are an important strategic asset.”
— Worlds Ahead, Strategic Plan 2010-2011
Student Participation
Students (as well as faculty and staff) are invited to participate in HEARTS in a number of ways:
- Attend cultural events
- Volunteer at cultural organizations (community service)
- Create original work or perform at Honors college events, such as Convocation or the ARCH conference
- Organize their own cultural events
- Join HEARTS clubs
- HEARTbeats A Cappella group
- HEARTS Art Club
- HEARTS Photography Club
- HEARTS Shakespeare Society
- HEARTS Writing Club
- HEARTS Crochet Club
The Honors College is proud to announce CultureShock Miami and the FIU College of Architecture and the Arts (CARTA) as partners in the HEARTS program.
For more information on HEARTS and HEARTS clubs, please contact hcengage@fiu.edu.