Landed an internship? Let us know about it!

1. Let us feature you on social media!

Whether it’s on our Honors College Instagram, FIU News, or our Honors College Summa Cum Laude magazine, let us tell the world about your cool new gig!

Click here to tell us about your internship!

2. Have your internship added to your transcript (for 0 credit)

fiu transcript photo
  • An internship, for these purposes, is defined as a paid OR UNPAID experiential learning opportunity at least 3 months in length where the student aims to gain knowledge, skill, and/or further understanding of a particular industry through on-the-job experience
  • If approved, you will be added into an Honors College Internship Course, IDH3999, for 0 credit. This course will NOT affect your GPA or excess credit count
  • You WILL be responsible for providing supervisor contact information so that the Honors College can confirm your internship position and description before being enrolled in the internship course
  • The Honors College does not currently offer credit for internships. If you are interested in receiving credit for your internship, you must talk to your major advisor. For more information and tips on how to approach your advisor, email

Click here to tell us about your internship!