We welcome the opportunity to partner with Honors Faculty, Staff, and Student Organizations.
Together we can help prepare our students to be career ready before graduation. We invite you to engage with our career center through the following programming and resources.
Request a Workshop
Don't cancel class or one of your student organization's meetings! Request a workshop and support the career development of your students. We provide workshops on a variety of topics, please click the button below to learn more and request yours now!
Refer a Student or Employer
We value your relationships with students and our community. If you'd like to refer a student to our services, please recommend the student schedule an appointment with Andrea via Handshake. If you'd like to refer an employer to us, please recommend they email Andrea at ancuadra@fiu.edu.
Internship Guidelines for Faculty
Internships are a great way for students to develop the career readiness skills employers are seeking. Many times faculty have great connections with employers or the community that offer internships. Please ensure you are following the recommended guidelines and best practices when assisting students with internships.
Helping Students in their Job Search
Helping our students succeed beyond graduation is a common goal you, the career center, the college and FIU share! From time to time, aiding students with their job searches may result in unforseen instances of illegal or unethical behavior. Please consult Career and Talent Development's guide below for additional information.