Honors Curriculum

Honors students pursue any major in the university while simultaneously completing an independent Honors College curriculum. The first-year addresses epistemology and ontology while stressing multi-disciplinary approaches to solving intellectual and practical problems. Students must additionally complete four courses from years two through four to graduate from the Honors College. Options include:

  • Completing Honors seminars.
  • Participating in an Honors Study Abroad program. These require a 3-credit preparatory seminar and a 3-credit multi-week international experience that goes well beyond cultural tourism to explore serious themes in depth.
  • Completing an honors thesis or thesis-quality research project through the Advanced Research and Creativity in Honors (ARCH) program, culminating in a presentation at the Undergraduate Research Conference at FIU (URFIU).
  • Completing an internship for credit.

Year One (Entering Freshmen Only)

IDH1931 Honors Introduction (1) (Fall only)​

IDH1001 Honors Seminar I: The Origin of Ideas and the Idea of Origins (3) (Fall only)

IDH1002 Honors Seminar II (3) (Spring only)

Students must plan their Spring schedule around taking IDH 1002, which will be the same days and times as their IDH 1001 course during the Fall semester.  

Years Two through Four

Students must complete four courses from a combination of options one through four: 

Honors College courses will fulfill many University and major requirements. Below is a list of equivalencies. Be sure to check with an Honors College advisor.

Honors Course Equivalencies 

Honors CourseEquivalent
IDH 1931First Year Experience (SLS 1501)
IDH 1001Arts
IDH 1002Humanities (Group Two) & Gordon Rule Writing
IDH 2003*Social Science (Group Two) & GL Foundations*
IDH 2004*GL Foundations & Lower Division Elective*
IDH 3034GL Discipline Specific & General Upper Division Elective
IDH 3035GL Discipline Specific & General Upper Division Elective

NOTE:  * IDH 2003 & 2004 are ONLY available for students in the College of Engineering and Computing.

Upper-Division Course Equivalencies By Major

College of Business

Upper-division Honors courses (3000+) may count toward upper-division business electives.  Please see a College of Business Advisor to update the degree audit.

School of Architecture

For students in the accelerated master’s program, Honors courses will count for two categories of general education: Environmental Context and Creative Context, see grid below for details.

General Education CategoryCourse to be SubstitutedHonors Course
Environmental ContextEVR 1017 The Global Environment and SocietyIDH 1001
 Creative ContextThree credits chosen from approved courses:  ARH 2050/1, ART 2300/2500/2750IDH 1002

School of Communication + Journalism

Upper-division Honors courses (3000+) will count for the Area of Concentration.  Please see an SCJ advisor to update the degree audit.