The Internet and its Discontents




SCHEDULE: Tuesday, 10:15AM-12:45PM

Course Description

Internet-enabled businesses, their societal impact, and managing
multi-stakeholder conflicts.

The rapid growth of technology-focused and technology-enabled businesses has fueled incredible economic growth, allowed historically anomalous access to information, and simultaneously animated societal upheaval and generated demand for governmental response. This course will be a multi-disciplinary investigation of the intended and unintended societal consequences of global technology companies. Major topics covered in this course are business fundamentals of global software companies, privacy, content moderation, artificial intelligence, supply chains, labor model innovations, intellectual property and algorithmic content recommendations. We will engage with these issues from through the frameworks of different disciplines, in order to understand the interlocking issues across business, politics, policy and communications.

For business students, this is a great way to learn about societal pressures that any business will face, and the difficulty of meeting them well. For students studying communications or a related discipline, this course will be a great way to understand how companies successfully and poorly navigate crisis and conflict. For political science students, this is a great way to learn about the business of a critical sector.