Deadline Extended for ARCH 2017-2018

lopezjcDeadlines, Feature, Research

The deadline for ARCH 2017-2018 has been extended to August 18, 2017. The ARCH program provides opportunities for Honors College students to engage in supervised research and creative projects under the supervision of FIU faculty experts from all academic areas.

You can complete the ARCH registration form by clicking here.

Guidelines for the ARCH Program:

  • Students must be currently enrolled in the Honors College.
  • Students are highly encouraged to have a faculty research advisor before registering for ARCH.

–  If you need assistance in finding a faculty research advisor, please contact Allen Varela

  • Students must submit the ARCH registration form electronically.
  • Indicate if project will be an ARCH Thesis, ARCH Project, ARCH Research, or Honors Departmental Thesis.

– Details for each option are available on

  • Indicate if project will be completed outside of FIU.
  • At the completion of the project, ARCH scholars must submit a detailed thesis or project for approval by the faculty research advisor.  The thesis or project must then be turned in to the ARCH office for final approval by the college.
  • Projects involving human subjects, vertebrate animals, or recombinant DNA require certification and training from the FIU Institutional Review Board, the FIU Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee and FIU Institutional Biosafety Committee respectively (
  • Students must present their work at the Conference for Undergraduate Research at FIU (CURFIU) in the Spring.

For more information, visit our Research page.

For any questions related to the ARCH program, please contact:
Allen Varela
Coordinator of Academic Support Services
Honors College
11200 SW 8th Street, DM 233
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: 305-348-4100
Fax: 305-348-2118