Scholarships & Funding

What costs are associated with Study Abroad?

Program Fee

This covers all your accommodations, entrance fees to museums, transportation & activities included in your program. Some programs even include meals! Learn more about what is included in each program on Programs page.


As these programs include two classes, the tuition for these programs is part of the costs associated with Study Abroad. FYI: Out-of-state students pay in-state tuition rate for Study Abroad classes!

Education Abroad Fee

The OEA Fee is an administrative fee from the Office of Education Abroad which includes the cost of international medical and emergency evacuation insurance.

Payment Options

Pay in installments

Pay your program fees over six months via MyFIU account

  1. Pay $500 deposit within 1 week of interview
  2. Remaining Program Fees post on MyFIU account approximately three weeks before due date
    1. Second Payment Due: December 1, 2024
    2. Third Payment Due: February 1, 2025 
  3. Pay $195 Office of Education Abroad Fee by March 1, 2025
  4. For tuition payment deadlines for IDH 4007 and IDH 4008, please refer to FIU Academic Calendar

Pay in full

Program Fee up front, less to worry about later.

  1. During your interview, request to pay in full
  2. Deposit and Program Fees post on MyFIU account simultaneously
    1. Payments due within 1 week of interview
  3. Pay $195 Office of Education Abroad Fee by March 1, 2025
  4. For tuition payment deadlines for IDH 4007 and IDH 4008, please refer to FIU Academic Calendar

How to Pay

Program fees are posted on students' MyFIU account. Students have various method of payments options available to them. They may choose to pay in-person (recommended), online, wire transfer, and via mail. Learn more about making payments here: How to Pay.

It is highly recommended that students pay in-person at Student Financial cashier’s counter on MMC or BBC as payments paid online may not go directly to Study Abroad program fees. The Office of Education Abroad and the Honors College are not responsible for late fees due to payment going to the wrong fees.

Have you been awarded financial aid?
Students who have been awarded financial aid are still responsible to have the payments made on time and in their entirety. It is the student's responsibility to contact Financial Aid to ensure that their award will disburse by the payment deadline and cover the full balance. If the pending aid/scholarship will not cover the full amount due, it is the student's responsibility to pay the remaining balance out of pocket by the deadline.

Honors College Scholarships

Scholarship applications can be found on FIU AcademicWorks. To be eligible for the following scholarships, the student must be accepted and committed to an Honors Study Abroad program, have a financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office, fulfill annual Honors College engagement and service requirements, and be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or international student on an F1 visa. Each scholarship has additional criteria than the ones mentioned above.

  • Honors College Study Abroad Scholarship

    Scholarship to support Honors College students of a financial need to participate in a Honors College study abroad program. Award amount up to $500.

  • Panorama Travel First Generation Scholarship

    This scholarship is open to all eligible Honors College students who are participating in Honors Study Abroad programs. However, preference will be given to students who are Hispanic American or of Spanish culture with origins in Mexico, South America, Central America, or the Caribbean. For First Generation scholarships, you must qualify as a “First Generation” student to be eligible. To be considered First Gen, you must have put on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) that neither of your parents completed a bachelor’s degree in any country. If that is the case but you answered the FAFSA incorrectly, you must go to and file an amendment to your FAFSA to be eligible for First Generation scholarships. Award amount up to $1,000.

  • Sharon & Seymour Placide Scholarship

    Scholarship will financially assist/subsidize the costs associated for the Honors College Spain Study Abroad program to support qualified Honors College students. Award amount varies (approx. $500).

Additional Scholarships

There are numerous additional scholarships available to students, such as OEA scholarships, National Prestigious Scholarships, and country and discipline-specific national scholarships. We highly encourage students to apply to as many scholarships as they qualify for. Learn about additional scholarships at Funding - Scholarships.

Support our Programs

A chance to study beyond the classroom has proven to be the single most compelling and educational experience for college students. The Honors College is helping to fulfill the mission of FIU to create globally aware and sensitive citizens by offering intensive study abroad programs on three continents. Our goal is to enable every Honors student to study abroad. But most of our students can’t afford to do this. Help us help the many deserving students who could benefit from our forward-thinking, innovative, and unstoppable programs around the world.

Ways to Support:

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