Welcome to the 2018-2019 academic year!
As the Fall semester unfolds, here are a few important things to remember:
For a calendar of Honors College events and activities, refer to your myhonors.fiu.edu portal.
*For new students, you will be granted access after the add/drop period which is Monday, August 27, 2018.
Organize yourself so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Prioritize your work and find a healthy balance between school, work and having a social life.
Make appointments with your advisor if you feel unsure about your classes. They’re here to help.
For STEM majors contact Brenda Luna brenluna@fiu.edu
Make sure you understand your Engagement requirements as an Honors College student. Visit these pages if you have any questions:
Community Service
If you’re graduating this semester, remember that the last day to apply for Fall graduation is September 14, 2018. You can apply through your my.fiu.edu portal.
Be sure to follow us on social media to stay updated with the latest news and events, including exclusive opportunities available to Honors College students:
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube: @fiuhonors
We wish all of our students a successful and memorable Fall semester. We are so excited to have you!